NASA Astrobiology Graduate Conference (AbGradCon) will be hosted at ELSI (Earth-Life Science Institute) in Tokyo, Japan from 14 to 18 September 2020. AbGradCon is an annual conference that specifically provides a unique setting for astrobiologically-inclined graduate students and early career researchers to come together to share their research, to collaborate, and to network. 

AbGradCon 2020 marks the 16th year of this conference—each time in a different place and organized by a different group of students, but always with the original charter as a guide. This year is the first time AbGradCo will be held in Asia, and the conference’s main theme will be international collaboration. The conference expected to have a representation from all regions of the world, but especially from Asia and Oceania. 2020 edition will also include a career development events such as a science communication workshop, a career panel, keynote speakers by leaders in the field, and field excursions to various related research centres around the Tokyo area.

The annual AbGradCon conference has been wildly successful both when connected to AbSciCon, and as stand-alone conferences. Since it is organised and attended by only graduate students, post docs, and selected undergraduates, AbGradCon is an ideal venue for the next generation of career astrobiologists to form bonds, share ideas, and discuss the issues that will shape the future of the field.

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