ELSI has selected Jamile Iyomasa as the ‘ELSI Science-Art Resident’ for FY2021. Iyomasa is a Brazilian artist, based in Japan. Her main medium is watercolour and the technique used is called ‘diorama’. By painting separately layer by layer on paper, and then overlaying them, she creates a three-dimensional composition. It is through Nature and the observation of its cycles and patterns that she finds the way to express ideas, connections, and life experiences.

Scientists use many different tools to support their quest of discovering and unravelling the mysteries. ELSI Science-Art Collaboration of FY2021 will explore various lab equipment that plays a crucial role in the scientific process of understanding Origins of Life and Earth. And how these inanimate objects help us to give clues for origins studies.

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Guides, watercolour on cut paper, 2018. Image credit: Jamile Iyomasa.


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kōyō 紅葉, watercolor on cut paper, 2020. Image credit: Jamile Iyomasa.


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Memory island, watercolor on cut paper, 2021. Image credit: Jamile Iyomasa.

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Jamile Iyomasa, ELSI Science-Art Resident (FY2021)