Update on 27 July 2020: We are excited to announce that the Astrobiology Australasia Meeting 2020 will be held online this September 9-11! The events will be scheduled to cater for those in the Asia-Pacific region and we welcome all to attend. Our Abstract Portal is now OPEN until August 9th. Early-career researchers, postdocs and students, are encouraged to submit abstracts! Registration is now also OPEN. Registration is free and meeting link details will be shared with those who register. Please spread the word and looking forward to seeing you there!


Update on 26 March 2020: The AAM2020 organising committee has decided to postpone the in-person conference in Tokyo this year. Although we feel sad about this, we feel it is the right thing to do given the pandemic’s impact on people’s lives and of course the associated travel restrictions. We are presently exploring options for a virtual conference, and will keep abstract submissions open until further notice. Please stay tuned for updates and in the meantime, stay healthy, stay safe, and very best wishes.

image: 20200316_Astrobiology_Australasia_Meeting_co-hosted_by_ELSI2

The Australian Centre for Astrobiology and ELSI are pleased to be co-hosting the 2020 Astrobiology Australasia Meeting (AAM2020), to be held in Tokyo 9-11 September 2020 at ELSI.

It is important to mention that the AAM2020 organising committee is closely monitoring the SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 situation in Japan and around the world and will issue updates as necessary. As of 16 March, there is no plan to cancel or postpone the meeting. For updates please check the conference website http://aam2020.org, or follow the Australian Centre for Astrobiology on Twitter https://twitter.com/aussieastrobio

The event aims to bring together researchers interested in Astrobiology from across the Australiasian and Asian regions, to develop and exchange ideas on how life in the universe could originate and persist.

Abstract submission is open until 31 March: https://www.aam2020.org/abstract-submission-portal
Conference themes are

  • Hot springs as a setting for the origin of life
  • From protocells to LUCA: The progenote and the building blocks of pre-biotic chemistry
  • Messy chemistry and the origins of life
  • Exploration for life: Mars and beyond
  • Preservation - what environment provides the best chance of success to search for signs of ancient life on Earth
  • Modern analogues for primitive life on early Earth
  • Complexity leading to intelligent societies
  • Exoplanets
  • Space technology and the search for life

Abstracts outside of these themes are also more than welcome!


image: Astrobiology Australasia Meeting co-hosted by ELSI