ELSI Associate Professor Shawn McGlynn to be awarded the grant from Research Foundation for Opto-Science and Technology FY2016.

Category: Study on intercellular or intermolecular signal transduction
Study on the mode of signal transduction between distant cells or molecules different from general chemical transmission or electrical transmission.

McGlynn's Research Theme: 
Efficient, and persistent cell-cell interaction through direct electron transfer between multiple species: investigations by single-cell imaging

The project is expected to greatly advance the recent studies by Shawn McGlynn and his collaborators (McGlynn et al. 2015 Nature 526: 531-535; Scheller, McGlynn, et al. 2016 Science 351: 703-707), which demonstrate electron sharing can result in the formation of coordinated metabolic activities amongst cells conducting low energy and chemically challenging metabolisms.

ELSI Researcher's page|Shawn McGlynn

20170303 SMcGlynn