
1) Initial conditions: Crystallization and outgassing of molten Earth following a giant impact, production of early crust and atmosphere.

2) Hadean tectonics: Model connections between Earth's interior and surface environment, and dependence upon tectonic styles and rates.

3) Hadean deep Earth: Age of geomagnetic field, thermal evolution, formation and preservation of geochemical reservoirs, and connection to present Earth structure


In order to understand the early Earth as the birthplace of living systems, it is essential to consider the geological processes that influenced the surface environment.

Researchers from “Deep Earth Science”, “Planet Formation Theory”, and “Geology and Geochemistry” are developing the next generation of models of the formation and subsequent evolution of early Earth that are consistent with the present internal structure and chemical composition.

They are using high P-T experiments, seismological imaging, and a combination of mathematical and numerical models that integrate geological and geochemical observations.


topic2a Initial differentiation of molten mantle and core

topic2b Crystallization of magma ocean(s)

topic2c Possible relics of the early Earth

topic2d Subsequent evolutio

Earth was substantially melted during formation but then cooled. What clues are left behind following these events?